How to Perfect the Art of the Summer Beach Road Trip

How to Perfect the Art of the Summer Beach Road Trip

There's nothing like the classic American summer road trip. You know – the one where the kids are all packed up, dad is lost, and mom is trying to keep everyone happy? Ok, so maybe this isn't a National Lampoon movie, but we have a few tips and tricks to help you get to your Topsail Island Beach vacation safely while having a little fun. Here is everything you need to know.

Preparing your vehicle

Nothing is worse than breaking down on the road, especially when you are a long way from home. One way to prevent this unhappy event is by checking your car over carefully before you hit the road for your Topsail Island beach vacation. For a complete list of things to check, click on the video above. These are all simple things that anybody can do from home to ensure you get to spend your time on the beach and not on the side of the road. 

Road side assistance-

 A lot of new cars come with roadside assistance through the car manufacturer. Now is a good time to see if you have such a service, verify what it covers and have the contact information pre-loaded in your phone. Another good option is the old tried and true AAA which has several membership levels. It might not be suitable for everyone, but they do offer things like towing, lock out service, and help if you run out of fuel, among other things. 

Tips for traveling with the kids

Traveling with kids, especially the little ones, can be a challenge. Even the best behaved kids get a bit antsy after being in the car for hours on end. However, there are a few things you can do to make this time in the car easier on the kids (and a whole lot easier on mom and dad). Here are five tips and hacks to help make the best of a day on the road to Topsail Island:

Pack Snacks- Bring the snacks and safe the dollars. Bringing snacks is a great way to save the money and keep the kids happy. All by just packing a few snacks in a cooler. 

Put Down The Technology- Forget the games and the movies. Take this time in the car to spend time with the kids. There are all sorts of old time games that everyone can enjoy on the road. 

Bring Travel Pillows - Pillow make traveling a whole lot easier and more comfortable. There are a lot of inexpensive travel pillows that are perfect for the road. 

Get A Seat Back Organizer- 

Keeping the car organized on a long road trip is a necessity for mom and dad's sanity. Grab a seat back organizer and make your life just a little bit easier.

Bring A Trash Can-

Kids are messy there is no doubt about it and having a trash can be a life saver on a long day drip. 

We hope these tips help you have a safe and trouble-free drive to your vacation destination. Who knows, maybe the kids will even have fun in the car. But, before you get in the car you need a great destination. What better destination is there than Topsail Island? With our small town charm, pristine beaches, and family-friendly atmosphere, all roads lead to a great time on Topsail Island. If you still haven't booked your vacation rental give us a call at 800-497-5463 or click the button below to book your vacation online. 

How to Perfect the Art of the Summer Beach Road Trip

Pack your bags for Topsail island in 2021. 

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